Cordstrap debates the future of Global Cargo Handling at ICHCA

ICHCA logoThis week in Las Palmas, Cordstrap will be part of a major discussion on the future of global cargo handling at the ICHCA 65th Anniversary Conference.

The International Cargo Handling Coordination Association is an independent NGO, dedicated to improving all aspects of cargo handling and goods movement, nationally and globally.

This year’s conference will look at the future of cargo handling through five key sessions focused on how to make the global cargo chain safe, smart, sustainable, secure and skilled.

Playing a key role

With over 50 years experience in cargo securing, Cordstrap has a key role to play in that debate – and we’re looking forward to being at the center of the discussion.

Our Global Product Manager, Elmo Diederiks will be speaking with other leading industry figures in the first session, on container supply chain safety. Focusing on the role of technology in cargo securing, Elmo will discuss:

• Customer issues discovered during Cordstrap supply chain audits
• The different challenges customers face at HQ versus other locations
• Looking beyond innovative technology – the role of knowledge, training, implementation support and audits

This is how Cordstrap works in partnership with customers. Supporting them with container solutions that are fully compliant, fast and easy to apply. Enabling consistent results with optimal security, supported by on-site audits, training, support and loading plans. So helping ensure that the full supply chain is safer and more secure, sustainable and efficient.

If you’re attending ICHCA between 3rd and 5th October, we’d like to welcome you to our stand in the break area – and discuss how we can help ensure your cargo security, both now and in the future.