Tips, Resources & Case studies

Tips, Resources and Case Studies

The Suez Canal Blockage; A Reminder Of Catastrophic Moisture Damage Due to Delays

The Suez Canal Blockage A timely reminder of how important it is to protect your cargo from the catastrophic moisture damage caused by delays The grounding of Evergreen’s MV Ever Given in the Suez Canal on Tuesday March 23rd has had knock-on effects right down the supply chain. Shortly after the ship blocked both north and southbound channels of the cannel, dozens of vessels were backed up. Ever Given [...]

April 6th, 2021|Moisture Control|

6 Simple Ways To Prevent Cargo Damage

6 Simple Ways to Prevent Damage to Your Cargo  Cargo damage and loss costs $50 billon every year. Here’s 6 simple ways you can prevent damage to your cargo and your brand reputation. Cordstrap Strapping 50% of cargo damage is due to poor packing and securing Our engineered Strapping prevents costly damages GL certified and CTU Code compliant Light weight, shock absorbent and re-tensionable Learn [...]

Securing Cargo on Wheels | From Vehicles to Heavy Machinery

How to secure cargo on wheels? From luxury sports cars, to trucks to heavy machinery Over the years we have assisted many customers around the globe helping them to safely secure their "rolling cargos". From luxury sports cars, to extreme machinery and everything in between. Looking back at pictures I took during those years, they all have their own story [...]

Lashing Points on Flat Racks | Add Lashing Points with Corner Lashing Plate

Lashing Points on Flat Racks Create Lashing Points with Corner Lashing Plates  You will need Cordlash Woven Lashing Cordlash Lashing Buckles Cordlash Tensioning Tool (manual, pneumatic or battery) Cordstrap Corner Lashing Plates Installing Corner Lashing Plates on Flat Racks Place one Cordstrap Corner Lashing Plate on each corner on top of the over sized crate. After placing the plates, you now have multiple lashing attachment [...]

How to apply Cordstrap Composite Lashing in Containers using Pneumatic Tensioner

You will need Cordstrap Composite Lashing Cordstrap Buckles Cordstrap Pneumatic Tensioner Getting Started Feed the lashing though the D-ring inside the container and around the cargo you need to secure. Fold the lashing (furthest away) away from you. Take a buckle in your left hand with the prongs pointing to the right. Feed the loop of the strap through the center of the buckle and around [...]

Container Safety Awareness Program

Container Safety Awareness Program Australia’s Leading Experts in International Container Transport Logistics Chains Join Forces Are you aware of best practice in safe container loading and cargo restraint? Do you understand the legal, safety and commercial consequences of unrestrained and poorly packed cargo inside shipping containers? Unfortunately, truck roll-over accidents continue to be a regular occurance on Australian roads, resulting [...]

September 18th, 2020|News|

How to apply Cordlash Lashing with Dynablock using CRT-50 Manual Tensioner

You will need Cordlash Heavy Duty Lashing Cordstrap Patented Dynablock Buckle Cordstrap Manual Tensioner Getting Started To apply Cordlash one way lashing for dynamic freight, start by feeding the lashing through the attachment points of the flat rack and freight you need to secure. Take the Cordstrap Dynablock buckle into your left hand. Feed the lashing (furthest away) through the center of the buckle (upwards) and away [...]

When to Use Cordstrap Anti Slip Mats

Benefits Cordstrap Anti Slip Mats Added safety Prevents sliding Increases the friction force of top-over lashings Allows to secure cargo weights otherwise impossible Prevents products from turning during transport (tubes/coils) When to Use Cordstrap Anti Slip Mats? Cordstrap’s Anti-Slip Mats are ideal for preventing slippage of cargo during transport. Placing the mats between the cargo and the floor increases friction for a fast and easy solution [...]

Dunnage Bags vs Polystyrene Blocks to Secure Cargo inside Containers

Dunnage Bags vs. Polystyrene / Styrofoam Dunnage bags act very differently from polystyrene, aka styrofoam blocks,  when it comes to the actual stowing and securing of cargo inside shipping containers. Whereas dunnage bags are a CTU Code Compliant cargo securing device, polystyrene is regarded as just a void filler, not an actual cargo securing device. This video demonstrates the performance of both producs and it will be clear [...]

February 13th, 2020|Dunnage Bags|
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