Tips, Resources & Case studies

Tips, Resources and Case Studies

Container Cargo Securing in a Nutshell – Part 1

Container Cargo Securing in a Nutshell - Part 1 Forces acting on cargo During transportation, your cargo is subject to forces due to acceleration, deceleration or changes in direction. The magnitude of these forces depends on type of transport handling, eg. the number of times a container is picked up and dropped weather conditions, eg. during sea transport storms will cause considerably greater forces acting than when [...]

Composite Strapping – FAQ’s

What is composite strapping? Composite strapping is known as “synthetic steel”. It is the latest development in strapping technology. Composite strapping is manufactured from high tenacity polyester yarns embedded in a polymer coating. Composite strapping is available in a wide variety of widths and strengths. Composite strapping is the strongest of all non-metal strapping systems. It is a strong and safe alternative for steel strapping and has a [...]

How Cordstrap revolutionized cargo securing on North American Rail

Revolutionary solutions for rail freight securing in North America In 2005 Cordstrap was approached by the AAR. Steel strap was a key method of cargo securing allowed on North American railcars. But there was a problem with these straps breaking on loads due to flexing during journeys. As the cars moved during transit, sudden bumps and vibrations caused the steel strapping to bend back and forth [...]

The 7 most expensive words in business

"We have always done it this way" The seven most expensive words in business I regularly see "We Have Always Done It This Way", aka as the most expensive 7 words in business, showing up somewhere and I cannot agree more. When we introduced Cordstrap to Australia in 2015 I got in touch with a large freight forwarding company. The company secured many cargoes on flat racks and in [...]

Cordstrap Secures Steel Frame Rio Olympic Stadium Across Atlantic

Securing Olympic Stadium during 8000km journey across Atlantic When the athletes gather in the Estadio do Maracanã tonight, there will be one team just as proud as those at the opening ceremony – Team Cordstrap. Although we won’t be in the stadium, we can be proud knowing that we helped to make it happen by delivering vital materials on time and intact.   When the steel framework for the [...]

August 5th, 2016|News|

How to apply Cordlash Lashing with Heavy Duty Buckle using a CT-40/2 Manual Tensioner

You will need Cordstrap Cordlash Woven Lashing Cordstrap Heavy Duty Buckles Cordstrap Manual Tensioner Getting Started Feed the lashing through the D-ring inside the container and around the cargo you need to secure. Take the Cordstrap Heavy Duty Buckle into your left hand. Feed the heavy duty lashing (furthest away) through the center of the buckle (upwards) and away from you around the buckle and [...]

How to apply Cordstrap Composite Lashing in Containers using a CT-40/2 Manual Tensioner

You will need Cordstrap Composite Lashing Cordstrap Buckles Cordstrap Manual Tensioner Getting Started To Apply Cordstrap Composite Lashing you start by feeding the lashing though the D-ring inside the container and around the cargo you need to secure. Fold the lashing (furthest away) away from you. Take a buckle in your left hand with the prongs pointing to the right. Feed the loop of the strap [...]

How to apply Cordstrap Composite Strapping to Bundles/Packs

You will need Cordstrap Composite Strapping Cordstrap Buckles CAB Tensioner Getting Started Feed the strap around the bundle and fold the strap with the loose end away from you. Take a buckle in your left hand with the prongs pointing to the right. Feed the loop of the strap through the buckle's center and around the upper prong. Fold the other end of the strap towards [...]

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