Lashing Break Bulk Cargo
Cordlash one-way heavy duty cargo lashings are a cost- and time saving alternative for steel chains and ratchet straps to secure dynamic and project cargo on ships.
Break-bulk cargo shipped in and on board of ships can be exposed to extreme external influences. The unique combination of Cordstrap’s woven polyester lashing with our unique patented Dynablock load buckle and in-house developed tooling are the safe and light-weight alternative to steel chains and wire.
Cordstrap’s heavy-duty polyester lashings solutions will not damage cargo during the voyage and ensure there will be no slippage during the longest voyages.
- Easy, fast and safe to apply
- Highly shock absorbent
- System strengths of up to 20,000daN
- Certified and approved by organisations including Germanischer Lloyd and IMO

Customised solutions
We understand that every breakbulk cargo brings its specific challenges. We can help you with a preliminary loading plan and expert advice how to best secure your cargo.
Together with you, we will design a tailor-made solution for your specific shipping challenges, provide training and on-going support.
We will meet with you at any location in Australia. Just get in touch with us today!
Quick & easy to apply
Cordlash is fast and easy to apply. For easy distribution, the lashing is supplied in a bag. Simply pull out the length you need and cut. No waste!
We offer a wide variety of lashing an buckles combinations. System strengths range up to in excess of 20,000daN. The combination of the buckle and lashing type determines the ultimate strength of the system.
Installing the lashing straps and closing them with a Cordlash buckle is fast and easy. After you close the lashing systems, you tension them with a Cordlash tensioning tool. We offer a wide range of lashing tools; manual, pneumatic and battery operated.

Dynamic Cargo Solutions
Prevent any slip in the buckle
Do you ship dynamic cargo, or static cargo that behaves dynamically during transportation? For such cargos, we have developed the Dynablock® buckle.
Grooves on this innovative and patented Cordstrap invention, eliminate the risk of slippage in the buckle during transport.
Dynablock® is the safest and most effective way to secure your static and dynamic loads quickly and easily.
Dunnage Bags
If you need a solution to quickly and safely stow you cargo inside the ships hull, dunnage bags are a good option. They are a faster, easier and much more cost-effective option when compared with wood blocking and bracing.
We specialise in poly woven dunnage bags. Our bags have the highest puncture and moisture resistance off all types of dunnage bags.
There are 5 strength levels of dunnage bags. We provide all strength levels. They are available in standard sizes, and based on your specific requirements, we can also manufacture them in your preferred size.

Ease of cargo securing
Easy to access valve
Our extensive experience in cargo-securing has resulted in an optimal valve positioning: on the edge of the bag. This ensures easy access to the valve at all times: this makes your break bulk securing fast and easy.
Fast inflation
The Cordstrap Direct Connect inflator needs only 14 seconds to fully inflate a 90x120cm Direct Connect woven dunnage bag with air. A huge time saver when securing a container!
Break bulk securing in action
When you’re securing 500 tonne loads on a ship, there’s no room for error. Cordstrap deliver the industry-leading cargo security you need – Cordstrap Break Bulk Specialist, Stefan Becker
Fully Certified
Cordlash lashing products are tested, approved and certified by the regulatory bodies below. Cordstrap is ISO 9001:2008 certified.
- Germanischer Lloyd certified
Germanischer Lloyd is the world’s leading classification society. - AAR approved
Cordstrap partners with The Association of American Railroads when developing and testing cargo securing solutions for usage in railcars in the US. - International Maritime Organisation
Get in touch
We look forward to assist you
Call, mail or simply leave your details and we’ll get back to you promptly.
p 1300 4 STRAP (1300 478 727)