Cargo Securing on Flat Racks
A superior and cost-effective alternative to ratchet straps, chains and wire rope.
On flat racks, your cargo can be exposed to extreme external forces. Cordlash lashing straps protects against these elements and eliminate cargo movement during transportation, on road, rail and sea.
This securing system can be used for heavy, irregularly shaped loads, including heavy machinery and other equipment. Traditional polyester securing solutions with standard buckles can lead to a risk of slippage under such circumstances. Our unique and patented Dynablock® buckle eliminates this.
- Easy, fast and safe to apply
- Highly shock-absorbent
- Tension retentive
- Certified and approved by Germanischer Lloyd & IMO
- Inclusive of onsite staff training

Customised solutions
We offer 100+ lashing and buckle combinations. The combination of the buckle and lashing type determines the ultimate strength of the system.
When securing cargo on flat racks you have to keep in mind that the maximum workload capacity of the lashing points is 5,000kg. For flat racks, most commonly Cordlash 32mm, Cordlash 40mm, and Cordlash 50mm are used.
We understand that every cargo brings its specific challenges. We can help you with a preliminary loading plan and expert advice how to best secure your cargo. Just call us at 07 3491 8209. We will meet with you at any location in Australia.
Quick & easy to apply
Cordlash is fast and easy to apply. For easy distribution, the lashing is supplied in a bag. Simply pull out the length you need and cut. No waste!
Install the lashing straps and close them with a Cordlash buckle. The buckles are flat and unlike ratchets or chains, will not stick outside your cargo. Goodbye out-of-gauge issues!
Finally, tension the system with a Cordstrap lashing tool. With Cordlash you can reach the highest pre-tension of all lashing systems. We offer a wide range of lashing tools; manual, pneumatic and battery operated.

Dynamic Cargo Solutions
Prevent any slip in the buckle
Do you ship dynamic cargo, or static cargo that behaves dynamically during transportation? For such cargos, we have developed the Dynablock® buckle.
Grooves on this innovative and patented Cordstrap invention, eliminate the risk of slippage in the buckle during transport.
Dynablock® is the safest and most effective way to secure your static and dynamic loads quickly and easily.
Create Extra Lashing Points
Do you ship oversized crates or sheets on pallets? Cordstrap’s innovative Corner Lashing Plates create extra lashing points so you can apply direct lashings.
With these plates, you can calculate with the safe working load of your lashing system, instead of just the tension as you normally do with a tie-down system. This article goes more into detail on why you should direct lashings instead of tie-down lashings.

Fully certified
Cordlash lashing products are tested, approved and certified by the regulatory bodies below. Cordstrap is ISO 9001:2008 certified.
- Germanischer Lloyd certified
Germanischer Lloyd is the world’s leading classification society. - AAR approved
Cordstrap partners with The Association of American Railroads when developing and testing cargo securing solutions for usage in railcars in the US. - International Maritime Organisation
Lashing Application Videos
Manual Tool
Pneumatic Tool, Corner Lashing Plate
Get in touch
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